
 1469SB Vetbond Tissue Adhesive, tif



1990年代開發的含2-氰基丙烯酸辛酯的黏著劑系列商品,一般作為可塑劑與穩定劑,其中一種甚至通過FDA認證可用於人體。當與組織接觸時這種新型黏著劑相較於Butyl Cyanoacrylate強度高4倍、毒性更低;相較於傳統縫線,此款接著劑只需要1/10的時間閉合傷口,接合強度等同於5-0單股縫線;具抗菌作用可降低傷口感染率。5-7天後黏合物會自動脫落,且癒合傷口外觀較佳。

3M™ Vetbond™組織膠為n-butyl cyanoacrylate黏著劑,一般用於獸醫手術的組織黏合(例如:貓的撕裂傷、擦傷、縫合/皮釘線的密合、拔牙、口腔手術等),內含藍色染劑,方便使用者觀察塗覆狀況。當與身體組織接觸後,Vetbond黏著劑會在幾秒鐘內由液體變成固態,藉此密合傷口;可停止輕微出血並黏合傷口,並可避免異物進入傷口中。傷口癒合後組織膠即脫落,每瓶容量3ml。

■ 限動物使用


A family of adhesives containing octyl cyanoacrylate, a plasticizer and stabilizer, was developed In the 1990's (one of them approved by FDA for human use). When bonding to tissue, these new adhesives are four times stronger and less toxic than butyl cyanoacrylate. Compared with the traditional suture, the new super adhesive has several advantages. On average, it takes only one-tenth of the time to close an incision. The bonding strength is equal to 5-0 monofilament suture. It also has a mysterious antimicrobial effect that can decrease infection rates in contaminated wounds. Bonding will slough off naturally in 5 to 7 days. Cosmetic appearance of the healed incision is also better.


3M™ Vetbond™ Tissue Adhesive (n-butyl cyanoacrylate) provides quality wound management. It polymerizes in seconds after contact with tissue and body fluids and binds wound edges together so natural healing can occur.

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