

4-Channel Data Acquisition System with MDAC Software


  • 16-bit類比/數位轉換器,可編程激活達8個類比輸入、4個類比輸出、16個數位輸入和16個數位輸出。
  • 8個通道同時採樣。
  • 最大採樣速率400ksps。
  • 每個通道採樣多達20,000 samples/秒,每秒總採樣數400,000 samples。
  • 內含MDAC軟體。


LabTrax 8/16結合MDAC軟體,非常適合搭配WPI SI-H肌肉生理系列商品,例如:SI-MKB肌肉平台、SI-CTS細胞測試儀和SI-HTB平行式組織水浴。此款數據擷取系統適用於測試生理特性例如:在不同條件下(例如:等長性、非等軸、等滲透態),不同組織的彈性和彈性。此款資訊擷取系統為了肌肉相關研究人員所設計,因為臨床前研究中,量化刺激因子(例如:藥物)對肌肉功能的有利或不利影響,肌肉生理特性的知識是至關重要的。


LabTrax 8/16裝置

前面板類比輸入,後面板4個類比輸出、數位輸出或輸入、1 個USB接口、電源插座與電源開關。

LabTrax 8/16是最新的資訊擷取裝置,結合最大採樣率400ksps,8個通道均可接近同步採樣。

  • 8通道/16 bits
  • 每一個頻道採樣高達20,000 採樣/秒,每秒總採樣數400,000。




MDAC程式是專為SI-H肌肉研究系統資料紀錄所設計,SI-MKB和SI-CTS平台所有版本均適用。軟體配置最新的WPI類比轉數位記錄裝置-LabTrax 8/16:


  • 肌肉施力或於肌肉上負重
  • 於肌肉延伸或收縮時,馬達編程定位
  • 於肌肉延伸或收縮時,馬達實際位置
  • 其他訊號,例如膜電位的變化


  • 用於肌柔延伸或收縮時,控制線性馬達的位置
  • 直接刺激或透過刺激隔離器連接到此輸出來刺激肌肉或細胞




MDAC程式的採樣和紀錄參數可於「偏好視窗Preference windows」客製化以符合您的需求。用戶自訂的參數如下:

  • 每個紀錄頻道的Y軸標
  • 轉換因子,將每個頻道的電壓轉換為測量參數的單位
  • 偏移值,集中各頻道基線
  • 實驗進行時,類比輸入的採樣頻率
  • 主要資料紀錄資料的顯示時間
  • 定位協議或刺激協議時,類比輸出的採樣頻率
  • 資料儲存位置




  • 各頻道上顯示的圖形類型
  • 各頻道軌跡的顏色、線條樣式、線條寬度
  • 顯示實際資料點的點樣式
  • 各頻道使用去疊波濾波器
  • 用於插植在資料點之間區域的方式
  • 輸出資料的檔案格式



編輯定位協議/區隔(Edit Position Protocol/Segments) 視窗顯示完整的馬達定位協議。如下方式窗所示,透過各區隔編程電壓和持續時間,馬達在指定速度下被移動至特定位置。



編輯定位協議/區隔(Edit Position Protocol/Segments) 視窗顯示完整的刺激協議。刺激電壓在0.5秒遲延後,19.5秒持續時間,電壓由0.00增加至1.00V。






一些確定肌肉或肌肉細胞特性的測試期間,組織需要相對快速(抽搐)或恆定(破傷風),且與其他裝置(如:馬達)同步。定為協議中,創造單一刺激脈衝或一系列脈衝的指令,可以被組合成一系列的步驟,在「編輯刺激協議」視窗上稱為刺激協議。正如定位協議,刺激協議可以在實驗開始前被組合並儲存。波形可編程為協議片段,包含直流階度 DC level、方形波 Squre Wave (單一或多重)、正弦波 Sine Wave(單一或多重)、斜波 Ramp(單一或多重)、Staircase。

波形參數(區隔)可編程,包含振幅(V)、寬度(sec.)、延遲(sec.)、脈間距離 (sec.)、數量(No.)、起始和結束振幅(V)


在一些肌肉或肌肉細胞的實驗期間,額外的裝置像是閥件或相機,可能會需要在事件紀錄時被同步激活。MDAC可編程發送單一5V (TTL) 訊號或一系列此種訊號,用以激活來自程式中其中一個數位輸出協議視窗的外部裝置。數位輸出協議的每一個區隔可被編程為高 (5.0V) 訊號以激活,或低 (0.0V)訊號去激活裝置,於指定持續期間 (sec.)

數位輸出協議視窗顯示完整的數位訊號。輸出電壓設置在0.0V 或5.0V,持續時間1秒。







若您偏好使用自己的統計軟體,MDAC便於輸出資料和檔案至常用的統計程式,例如Microsoft Excel、National Instrumes DIAdem、或是以製表符號分隔的文字檔,用輸入至其他程式。加上來自National Instruments的模組可用於簡化MDAC (TDMS格式)資料檔案輸出至程式,例如:Excel或Open Office Calc.



MDAC內含分析軟體,非常適合採樣資料的一般目的資料處理。你可以使用特定濾波技術 (Butterworth Lowpass、Highpass、Bandpass或Bandstop濾波器,Savitzky-Golay多項式濾波器、Moving Average filter)以平滑數據或過濾無法避免的噪音。過濾參數可依照您對個頻道的指定需求作選擇性調整。


  • 計算訊號導數(或感興趣的特定點)
  • 整合訊號
  • 由簡單定位各別頻道游標,計算斜率值、延遲、時間和電壓差





LabTrax 8/16 hardware combined with MDAC software is an excellent choice for WPI's SI-H line of muscle physiology products like the SI-MKB Muscle Platform, SI-CTS Cell Tester and SI-HTB Horizontal Tissue Baths. This data acquisition system is ideal for testing physiological characteristics like the contractile and elastic properties of different tissues in various conditions like isometric, anisometric or isotonic states. This data acquisition system was designed with the muscle researcher in mind, because the knowledge of physiological characteristics of muscles is critical when quantifying the beneficial or adverse effects of a stimulus (like a pharmaceutical drug) on muscle function in pre-clinical studies.


LabTrax 8/16 Hardware

The front of the LabTrax 8/16 has the analog inputs.

The back panel of the LabTrax 8/16 has four analog outputs, digital inputs or outputs, a USB port, power socket and power switch.

Lab-Trax 8/16 is the latest in data acquisition hardware. With a combined maximum sampling rate of 400ksps, it offers near simultaneous sampling on all eight channels.

  • 8 channels/16 bits for recording
  • Take up to 20,000 samples/second on each channel for a total of 400,000 samples every second.

MDAC is designed specifically for recording data from SI-H muscle research systems, which includes all versions of the SI-MKB and SI-CTS platforms.


MDAC Software

The MDAC program is designed specifically for recording data from SI-H muscle research systems, which includes all versions of the SI-MKB and SI-CTS platforms. This software configures the latest analog to digital recording device from WPI, the LabTrax 8/16, to provide:

Four (4) analog inputs for recording:

  • Force developed by a muscle or the load placed on the muscle
  • Programmed position of the motor during the lengthening or shortening of the muscle
  • Actual position of the motor during lengthening or shortening of the muscle
  • Other signals, like changes in membrane potentials

Two (2) analog outputs for:

  • Controlling the position of the linear motor used to lengthen or shorten the muscle
  • Stimulating muscles or cells directly or through a stimulus isolator connected to this output

Two (2) digital outputs for activating other devices, like pumps or cameras, at specific times during an experimental run.

Sampling and Recording Parameters

The sampling and recording parameters of the MDAC program can be customized to fit your requirements on the Preference window. Some of the parameters that can be user-specified include:

  • Label on the Y-axis of each recording channel
  • Conversion factor to transform voltages on each channel into the units of the measured parameters
  • Offset value that centers the baseline of each channel
  • Sampling frequency of the analog inputs during an experimental run
  • Display time of the main data recording window
  • Sampling frequency of the analog output during a position or stimulation protocol
  • Location of saved data files

Channel Display Parameters

The channel display parameters of each recording channel on the main window of the MDAC program can be customized to fit your requirements through a pop-up menu for each channel. Some of the parameters that can be specified include:

  • Type of plot to be displayed on each channel
  • Color, line style and line width of the trace on each channel
  • Style of point used to display the real data points
  • Application of an anti-aliasing filter to each channel
  • Method used for interpolating the regions between data points
  • Type of file format used to export data


The Edit Position Protocol/Segments window shows a completed motor position protocol. As seen on the lower window, the motor is moved to specific positions at prescribed velocities by programming the voltages and duration of each segment.

The Edit Stimulation Protocol/Segments window shows a completed stimulus protocol. The stimulus voltage was increased from 0.00 to 1.00 volt (V) for duration of 19.5 seconds (sec.) after a delay of 0.50 sec.

Muscle Length Control

Some characteristics of muscles or muscle cells are quantified by performing tests on these tissues to determine parameters, like velocity of shortening or force-velocity curves. Tests that involve changing the lengths of muscles or cells quickly or gradually, or holding the tissue at a fixed length or load use a precision motor attached to one end of the tissue to change or hold its length. In tests on muscles that are loaded an additional device, like a constant load module, is required to feed information about load on the muscle back to the motor controller for adjustment of the motor’s position. Tests on unloaded muscle do not require a feedback module. In these tests, the movement of the motor and the length of the muscle are controlled directly by the MDAC program.

In MDAC, commands for moving the motor for specified distances and velocities are assembled in a series of steps, known as a position protocol, on the Edit Position Protocol window. Protocols can be composed and saved, before the experiments are conducted. For tests that do not require feedback from the force transducer, the selected position protocol controls the motor directly through a dedicated analog output. The waveforms that can be programmed into the segments of a protocol include the DC Level, Square Wave (Single/Multiple), Sine Wave, Single/Multiple), Ramp (Single/Multiple) and Staircase.

The parameters of the waveforms (segments) that can be programmed include Amplitude (V), Width (sec.), Delay (sec.), Interpulse Distance (sec.), Quantity (No.), and Beginning and Ending Amplitudes (V).

Muscle Stimulation Control

During some tests to determine the characteristics of muscle or muscle cell, the tissue needs to contract quickly (twitch) or constantly (tetanus), and in synchrony with other devices like the motor. As in position protocols, commands to create a single stimulus pulse or a train of pulses can be assembled in a series of steps, known as a stimulation protocol, on the Edit Stimulation Protocol window. As with position protocols, stimulation protocols can be composed and saved before the experiments are conducted. The waveforms that can be programmed into the segments of a protocol include DC Level, Square Wave (Single/Multiple), Sine Wave (Single/Multiple), Ramp (Single/Multiple) and Staircase.

The parameters of the waveforms (segments) that can be programmed include Amplitude (V), Width (sec.), Delay (sec.), Interpulse Distance (sec.), Quantity (No.), and Beginning and Ending Amplitudes (V).

Device Controls

During some experiments on muscle or muscle cells, additional devices, like valves or cameras, may need to be activated in synchrony with events being recorded. MDAC can be programmed to deliver a single 5V (TTL) signal, or train of these signals, to activate an external device from one of the Digital Output Protocol windows in the program. Each segment of the digital output protocol can be programmed for a HIGH (5.0V) signal to activate, or LOW (0.0V) signal to deactivate the device for specified durations (sec).

The Edit Dig Out Protocol window shows a completed digital signal. The output voltage is either set at 0.0 or 5.0V with a duration of 1 second.

Data Recording

Recording data with MDAC begins with the single click of the RECORD button on the main window. The RECORD button toggles to a STOP button as soon as recording begins. Unless a position, stimulation or digital output protocol is selected and loaded from the Protocol menu, data will continue to be recorded until you click the STOP button.

If a position, stimulation or digital output protocol is selected and loaded, data will continue to be recorded until the elapsed recording time matches the end of the protocol. If multiple protocols are selected and loaded at the same time, the data will be recorded until the elapsed recording time matches the end of the longest protocol. Combinations of protocols are limited to one of each type at the same time.

Data Export

If you prefer to analyze data using your own statistical packages, MDAC facilitates the export of data runs and files to commonly used statistical programs, like Microsoft® Excel or National Instruments’ DIAdem or as tab-delimited text file for importation into other programs. Add-on modules from National Instruments are available to simplify the export of MDAC (TDMS-format) data files to programs like Excel or Open Office Calc.


MDAC also includes an analysis package, perfect for general purpose data processing of the sampled data. You can apply specific filter techniques (Butterworth Lowpass, Highpass, Bandpass or Bandstop filters, Savitzky-Golay polynomial filters or Moving Average filters) to smooth data or to filter unavoidable noise. Filter parameters can be selectively adjusted to your specific needs for each channel.

You may also run mathematical graphical operations like:

  • Calculating the derivative of the signal (or specific points of interest).
  • Integrating the signal.
  • Calculating the slope values, latency, or time and voltage differences by simply positioning the cursors for each channel.

The analysis package also includes a basic statistical package that detects the minimum and maximum values, mean value, standard deviation and median value of a selected cursor region.


